Gambling is meant to be an enjoyable pastime, but it's important to engage in it responsibly. It should never be viewed as a way to earn fast cash. Always refrain from trying to recover losses, avoid using money you can’t afford to lose, and never gamble with funds designated for essentials like rent, bills, or other financial obligations. To keep track of your spending, make it a habit to review your activity on the balance page
If you feel uncomfortable with your gambling in any way, you should consider taking a break or even self-exclusion.
For many, gambling is an enjoyable activity and a form of entertainment. However, when money is involved, it can become problematic if someone loses control over the time and money they dedicate to it. This uncontrollable behavior is commonly known as "problem gambling" or "gambling addiction."
Identifying problematic gambling can be challenging, but a common guideline is that it becomes an issue when gambling starts to negatively impact a person's quality of life.
Gambling addiction:
Gambling addiction is typically diagnosed by a doctor or psychologist, but you may still experience gambling problems even without a formal diagnosis.
Here are some common behaviors and characteristics that could signal a gambling problem or addiction:
1. Frequently preoccupied with thoughts of gambling.
2. Needing to wager increasingly larger amounts to feel the same level of excitement.
3. Facing repeated failures in trying to control, cut back, or stop gambling.
4. Feeling restless or irritable when attempting to reduce or quit gambling.
5. Gambling as a way to escape problems or to relieve negative emotions such as guilt, anxiety, or depression.
6. Trying to recover losses by continuing to gamble.
7. Lying to family, friends, or professionals to conceal the extent of gambling activities.
8. Putting significant relationships, employment, education, or career opportunities at risk due to gambling
9. Depending on others to resolve financial issues caused by gambling.
Gambling addiction, gambling abuse, or gambling-related issues—regardless of the term used—represent a public health concern impacting hundreds of thousands of individuals and their families. This addiction can lead to significant consequences across multiple areas of a person's life, including:
• Health Impacts: Gambling addiction can lead to anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, and even suicidal thoughts. It may also be associated with substance abuse issues, such as problems with alcohol or drugs.
• Social Consequences: It can strain relationships with family and friends, cause difficulties at work or school, and even result in legal issues due to criminal activities.
• Financial Effects: Gambling can create significant financial stress, making it hard to cover daily expenses or repay debts
Support and Solutions: You can take steps to change your gambling habits by using responsible gaming tools or seeking professional assistance. Many nonprofit organizations provide free support and resources for those facing gambling-related issues.
If you have questions or need assistance, our customer service team is available 24/7 to help.
While gambling can be an enjoyable activity, we understand that it may become problematic for some players. Our commitment to fairness, transparency, and social responsibility ensures that we prioritize player protection.
To help you maintain control over your gambling, we offer tools like deposit limits and overall gambling restrictions, which can be set in the "My Account" section. These features are designed to provide you with a safe and enjoyable gaming experience
If you need a break from gambling and cannot stop yourself from playing, use our player limitation options found on the "Player Limitation" page in "My Account."
There are several player limitations to choose from:
• You can choose the cooling-off period, with the following durations: 24 hours, 48 hours, or 7 days. This limitation only applies to the account it is set on.
• You can choose a temporary suspension, with the following durations: 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days. This limitation only applies to the account it is set on.
• You can choose self-exclusion. If you choose self-exclusion and want it to be indefinite or extended, contact support after setting the exclusion. Please note that you can choose whether the self-exclusion also applies to other accounts you have under our license.
During a self-exclusion, you cannot play or deposit, and you will not receive any marketing material (it may take up to 24 hours to be removed from all marketing databases).
Please note that any set self-exclusion applies to all other accounts you have under our license.
If you have an active exclusion period and wish to cancel it, please follow the instructions after logging into the casino.
When creating your account under our Maltese license, you have the option to limit your daily, weekly, or monthly deposit to any amount.
We have a feature available that automatically logs you out of the casino after a set period. If you wish to enable this feature, please contact support and indicate after how many minutes you want to be logged out.
Our customer service team is available 24/7 and will respond to any questions or concerns you may have. If you think you have a gambling problem and would like professional help, we recommend contacting any of the organizations listed below.